dead tree on Grand Canyon rim

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Emotionally, what does this convey for you? Do you want to linger in the image? Why or why not?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This image was made as a bit of light broke through on an otherwise overcast and rainy day at the south rim of the Grand Canyon. The atmosphere was hazy and softened the dead tree and canyon rock. I wanted to convey a tranquil mood but also felt that the presence of the tree created some visual interest that I couldn’t achieve otherwise in this location. Its crooked limbs and branches hold many stories.

Technical Details

This was lightly process from a raw file in photoshop. Nikon Z-8 with Z Nikkor 24-70 f/2.8S at 31mm. 1/5 sec, f/14, ISO 125, manual focus on tripod.

Specific Feedback

I am interested in your reaction and feedback, particularly aesthetic and emotional.

DJ, the overall purpleness (is that really a word???) stands out, as does the dead tree. I’m thinking that there are a couple of composition options…place the tree further to the left for more of a lone tree overlooking a vast landscape sense or in the center to further emphasize the bare tree. The starkness of the tree shows well and the purple adds a strong snese of melancholy/quietness.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will play around with crops!

Hi DJ. What first hits me is the loveliness of the purples, canyon echoing sky. It does give a sense of melancholy, especially given the tree is dead. Yet for me, there’s a sense of the tree lingering over the great expanse, saying its goodbye. I would echo Mark’s suggestion to move the tree a wee bit left., to add emphasis to Grand expanse.


I think you and Mark are correct!

Cropped to the left version.

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The second version is really nice DJ. The purple and the band of light are really nice. The dead tree does give a sense of a lonely last look at the beautiful canyon.

Thank you, Ed!

I probably would have tried to get myself a little lower (sit on the ground?) to try to get those bottom branches out of the background cliff, but I suspect there weren’t too many options. I like the purples and the tree silhouette. Nice!

Yes, thank you Denise