Deadly Curves


Image Description

The S-shaped necks of Great Egrets are like a coiled spring, as they stand still and watch for unsuspecting prey to pass by. When they strike, the neck instantly reaches out and another meal is nabbed. If you blink you probably missed it.

Feedback Requests

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Pertinent Technical Details

Fuji X-H2,
XF70-300 with 1.4x at 300mm. cropped about 50%, ISO 800, f/8, 1/1000. Slightly increased exposure and reduced highlights in post.

Jim, wow, you caught the action at a perfect moment, with the eye showing well and the water splashing.

Thank you Mark.; he actually struck out on this attempt. I remember wanting to get a motor drive for my Pentax K1000 back in the day, but never managed to do so. Much easier today, ha ha.