Distorted Eggs

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Just kicking around at a Farmers Market. I saw eggs in a crate with no light. For FUN i decided to take a few shots and see what happens…

Specific Feedback

Distorted photography !!! No Rules and just go for it. !!! Photoshop editing. I decided to post this photo after watching a film on Willian Klein street photography. No Rules !!!
Just be yourself and have fun changing things and see what happens. Not a fisheye lens.

Technical Details

ISO 4000 Shutter 100 f 18 or so

Hi Gill, nice abstract image well seen and developed. At first viewing the thumbnail, I thought “look at those rocks” - glad to see the eggs in the larger view (and yes I probably needed the explanation) and it does make sense. I like that the overall central pattern is shaped like an egg too. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Interesting take on the eggs, Gill. I like how you created the shape of an egg for the center eggs. B&W works well for this, I think. Very creative.

Thanks. I’m never sure if I fit in with my photography ideas. I hope to shoot more this fall and get more involved on the Network. Working on new music and it’s keeping me busy.

Take care. I’ve seen some really nice shots today.

Peace to you. :pray::earth_americas::pray::camera_flash::camera_flash: