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David, this is an intriguing look at Waimea Canyon, with it emphasis on the closest and the sky. The canyon’s green and red colors show well, plus you’ve got a waterfall and rainbow as extra benefits. The large view adds a ton of presence to the viewing. This would look good large, on a wall.
David, this composition does a great job of pulling you straight into the image. The conditions are fantastic, and the processing looks good to emphasize the dappled light down the canyon. Well done.
The fisheye distortion is a little heavy at the edges to my eye. I tried a little crop off both sides, to just outside where the grass starts on the bottom, and that helped a lot, particularly on the less visually interesting hillside on the left.
David: What a beautiful scene. The large version is a delight. I love the sky and the rainbow especially and how they complement the landforms. Very nicely done. >=))>