This is a different iteration of a similar image I have posted previously with new processing today.
Iso-100, 17 to 35 mm at 35 mm, F8, 500th, D 700, tripod, Adobe camera raw 11, Topaz clarity and Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 10%
Iso-100, 17 to 35 mm at 35 mm, F8, 500th, D 700, tripod, Adobe camera raw 11, Topaz clarity and Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 10%
David, the reds and greens of Waimea show very well here. The scattered sunlight and (of course) the rainbow are excellent additions. I really like the long view up the two canyons. This looks like a wall hanger.
MAKES ME WANT TO BE THERE!!! Spectacular scene superbly captured. Most excellent. >=))>