Dragonfly Magic (sequence I or II?)


What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Soft focus for “magic” feel? or sharpen?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Sequence shots with Nikon D500, Nikon 18-30, f5.6 lens
Shot at 1/2500 sec, f/10, Iso 3200 - 300mm

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EJ: I like both shots but much prefer the first for the reflection of the DF. Not sure how much file you have to work with but I would crop this pretty aggressively and get rid of some of the reflection spots. Nice capture of a unique moment. >=))>

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EJ, I missed seeing this one some how. I have yet to get a shot of a DF in flight, they are really fast and little. I like the one with the reflection of the DF best. I do like what Bill did with cropping.

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Nice capture EJ, the orange body of the dragon fly against the green water is wonderful. I just wanted to say i appreciate Bill pointing out the DOF differences. When the second photo caught my eye, i realized it was the sharpness of the water/reflection i was seeing and not the dragon fly. Also agree with Shirley, they are truly hard to get to sit still!


EJ, I like the 2nd shot best because of the triangle of water spot, df and it’s reflection. The green reflections in the water are terrific. I would clone (or spot) out the roughly 20 badly blown hot spots, especially the broad one in the upper right. A cropped version of #1 would look very good because of the high quality reflection. Nice catch of the df in flight.

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