Dune Waves

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


A closeup of dunes taken during beautiful morning at Death Valley National Park, California. I have photographed at Death Valley often, however the light on this particular day was extraordinary. The stunning contrast of the sun kissed dunes and the deep shadows made for some amazing intimate scenes.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcomed.

Technical Details

1/320 sec, f/13, ISO 100, 210 mm


Beautiful shot Fritz! Looks like silk.

Lovely! The tones are absolutely creamy. I’m not sure about that dark triangle in the ULC - maybe make the darkness grade more gradually into the lighter part?

Wonderful!!! Amazing presentation!

I had the same thought as @Bonnie_Lampley about the UL corner – I wonder about lightening the darkest tones. I’d be tempted to add a gradient burn to the LR corner to somewhat balance it, along with a little more detail in the light dune. The beyond-gorgeous dark dune feels, to me, like it needs a little more substantial base underneath it.

Very nice image. As others have noted the lower right lighter sand looks a bit too light. But you know if and when you print this image that bright area may print just dark enough to balance out the tones. Ive seen this happen on many of my light snow images. Its almost like you need two images processed at different tones, one for printing and one darker for screen viewing. No matter you have a winner with this image and will go on to be one of your favorite.

@Bonnie_Lampley @Cameron_Wilcox @Calvin_Cloarec @Diane_Miller , not sure where time goes… Thank you all for taking the time to comment on this photo. The ULC has been a little of a challenge. Leaving that corner to light/bright, makes the dark center dune pop out too much. As for the LR, I did try a gradient to darken it, but as Calvin mentioned, the lower bright dune prints just right as it is now. Good suggestion, to have a screen viewing, and a separate print version. Also will try to reintroduce more texture to the Lower bright dune as Diane has suggested. I found all the lines and textures in the dune distracting, but might have over corrected for that. Thank you all! It really helps to get fresh sets of eyes on one’s image!