The weather conditions for this morning gave hope to have some dramatic light for sunrise. The closer it got to sunrise the narrower the gap between the horizon and the clouds became and the sky did not light up with the beautiful colors that a prairie sunrise can overwhelm the senses with. I almost left, but waited a little longer and these clouds formed with a little glow on the eastern horizon.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
Does the exposure work. I had to work a little to pull some color and detail from the lower part of the image.
Wow @Richard_Teller…that’s some crazy sky there! What a bonus for you to experience! This is a very powerful image with interesting color. I like the purple hues in the majority of the sky and it complements nicely with the low volume of yellow present in the overall image. The rising textured “wall” of cloud in the upper portion of the image is very powerful, even oppressive. I love the lit portion in the center.
To answer your question, I do think the exposure works. To my eye, the light values on the land look good. The sky is perhaps ever so slightly bright, but that’s a matter of taste. I might take down the saturation (of the yellows and maybe the purples in the sky?) just a touch, but that too is a matter of taste.
Finally, I’d apply some noise reduction to the sky as it looks a bit grainy. There’s a sensor spot in the mid-right portion of the sky that would be easily removed.
A fascinating sky full of colors and changes in them! As Jim mentioned it is a bit noisy. You could try processing the sky and land separately, concerning the noise.
I think I personally would have liked a little bit more foreground, to have this sky presented as part of something more and giving the scene some more depth.
Great to see an image post from you! Been a while!
I’m really enjoying that you’ve pretty much filled the frame with that ominous sky and there’s just enough color and light near the horizon to keep this dynamic, and just enough of the landscape for anchoring.
Given there is much dedicated to the clouds, the things already mentioned stand out a little more - ie. the slight noise and also a couple sensor dust spots. There’s a pretty big anomaly about the 2o’clock position up from dead center. Not sure if that’s a big dust spot or just naturally in the clouds, but I would clone away those few spots.