Early morning reflection

Just after sunrise at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. This heron was moving slowly as he fished the shallows and stopped in symmetry for a split second.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback would be welcome.

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A lovely reflection, Bill. It’s nice when those work out. To my eye, the Heron looks a bit overexposed, particularly evident in the whites on the head. If you’re saving your files in RAW, you can probably pull the exposure down in your RAW editor. I also think you need a touch of counter-clockwise rotation. In a reflection image, the easiest way to do this is to rotate the image until a conspicuous feature, like the tip of the bill, forms a vertical line between the bird and the same point in the reflection.

I like the way you framed this and I also like how the breast plumes just touch their reflection.

I like the pose and the reflection. The water is great and some of the colors match the heron’s. I might try for some contrast separation between the heron and the water. Maybe darken the heron/enhance the colors a bit??? I must admit that I am extremely challenged when it comes to determining whether a photo is level, so I hesitate to say this, but if anything, I’d have thought a slight clockwise rotation would work.

@Allen_Brooks and @Bill_Reichhardt That’s my bad. It should be clockwise. Rotationally dyslexic.

Dennis, Thank you very much for the feedback. Good points and I will go back and try to improve the overexposure. I didn’t originally see the leveling issue - but now I can see it. This helps me to slow down and work more critically on post processing.
Thanks again, Bill

Allen, Great feedback from you and Dennis. I learn something every time I do this. Thanks, Bill