Eastern Bluebird Female

The female Eastern Bluebird has very subdued colors on wings, head and breast.

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Canon 5ds-r with 100x400x1.4 lens at f-10 , 1/400 sec and iso 500. Removed several leaves from the head area and right side of photo. Used Topaz DeNoise with light settings on noise reduction and sharpening . Made sure that Lightroom did not automatically increase sharpening before transfer of file to Photoshop.


I can barely tell where you removed anything. Maybe a touch of edge softening on the right shoulder to match the rest of the bird’s outline. She’s so lovely. I’m glad you took the time, many photographers only shoot the males. You have quite the set for them, too, the bush is great with the berries and leaves.

Nice job on this one, Wayne. the detail in the bird is very good as is the composition. Since you were removing leaves already, you might want to consider taking out the ones in the upper right corner. I’m not sure what it would do, but I think it would work just a bit better.

Nice pose and excellent detail. I like the setting with the green leaves and red berries. My first thought was to remove the leaves in the right upper corner, but the more I look at the photo, I think I like those leaves as they add to the framing of the bird- a leafy grotto.

I love the leaves framing the bird. Colors and creamy background are wonderful. Great presentation!

Thanks to everyone on your helpful comments and suggestions. I too was concerned about the top right leaves but ultimately left them for the framing affect.