Eastern Bluebird + Repost

Taken in my yard during our recent bout of winter weather.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 60D, Canon 70-300 IS USM zoom, f/8, 1/1000 sec., ISO 1000, Av Mode, Hand held. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure, color, sharpness, and NR. Topaz De-noise lightly applied.

Beautiful little bird. I wonder if cropping some off the left would balance better, and maybe the bird could be brightened a bit.

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Hey, Ronald. Maybe something like this?

The peanuts seem much brighter than the bird. But I wasn’t suggesting to take SO much off the left.

Hi Terri. A nice shot of the Bluebird with excellent feather detail. If you can, it helps to put some perches a bit above the feeding area so they land on them on their way in (hopefully). As Ronald noted, the peanuts are bright and they always are, so they’re a bit of a pain to handle photographically. I feed a lot of peanuts, but rarely take images of birds when they’re down amongst them. Moving your perch higher gets the bird more on a level with you and gets the food out of the image. which is usually an advantage unless you’re doing ads for bird feed or feeders.

I think you did get a bit carried away with the crop that Ronald suggested. Here’s a rework trying to illustrate what I think he was getting at. I also darkened the peanuts, lightened the bird, messed with the saturation of the bird and cropped just enough from the right to eliminate the rightmost peanut.

Good job on the detail. Nice comp. Dennis gave you some good ideas.

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Thanks, Dennis. There are plenty of perches this guy could have landed on. Unfortunately, he dove straight for the chow, ate, then flew away!

That sounds typical! Ungrateful birds.

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A very pretty bird. Nice and sharp. I like Dennis’s repost. First post was all right also, just needed to get rid of top left corner. Perhaps a little lighter around face area. Good one.

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Thanks, David. I continue to have cropping issues, it seems!

Haha, It seems we all have cropping issues at times.

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