Eastern Bluebird + Repost

Eastern Bluebirds’ diet consists mainly of insects, fruit, and berries. However, when ice and snow cover the ground as it does now, and the berries are all gone, they will eat chopped peanuts and sunflower seed hearts for survival, as this guy is doing.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM zoom, f/8, 1/1000 sec., ISO 1000, Av Mode, Hand Held. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure, sharpness, and NR. Also very light NR with Topaz De-noise.

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A very pretty bird. I wish we had them here. Nicely focused and really good pose and eye contact. I am not sure what the setting is but it looks good. A lower angle would have been nice and I would clean up and remove some of the bits and pieces along the right edge. Lovely blue color.

Yeah, they’re terrific birds; my favorite. I didn’t think about cleaning up that right side. Good idea. He is standing on a native limestone rock I used to build a retaining wall. Thanks!

Such a cute bird! What’s not to love about a bluebird! I like how the background rock really seems to make the colors stand out even more! I didn’t know they hung around in the winter anywhere I’ve lived they always migrate!

Thanks, Vanessa. Yes, they’re a year-round bird in Oklahoma. However, I’ll bet right now he wishes he wasn’t. It’s four degrees with snow and a 30 mph wind. Poor birds are having a rough time of it this week.

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Oh my! Poor things! It’s amazing how something so small and delicate looking is so strong and hearty!

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Gorgeous little bird in an interesting setting! Well done!

Thanks, Diane! I appreciate your comments.

Nicely done. I agree you could do some cleanup on it. Perhaps a little less saturation in the blue. I’d have to see it to decide. The colors are nice. Hope you have power and heat.

Thanks, David. I think the blue is pretty close, but I’ll take another look. So far, we’ve lost power for about 30 minutes, so thankful for that. Hope things are good there for you.

Excellent, Terry. The blues do look a touch off on my screen (for a Western Bluebird-not sure about Eastern). Interesting that they’ll eat peanuts and sunflower hearts. We haven’t been able to get them to even eat dried mealworms-they want them wiggling. I bought 800 when we knew our storm was coming and my wife got out yesterday and picked up another few hundred and a couple of hundred waxworms, which they’ll also eat. The snow here is going away pretty quickly, so they’ll be able to forage by Thursday or Friday. Luckily we don’t get those super cold temperatures.

Thanks, Dennis. I was completely out of mealworms and it’s 30 minutes to Wild Bird Unlimited on a good day - probably close to impossible now. Several years ago we had weather like this and I chopped some peanuts and put them in a feeder and we had a whole flock of Bluebirds show up for the feast. Not their preferred food but, in weather like this they will eat them. I adjusted the blues; is this better?

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The blues look a lot better int he repost, Terry. Good job.