Waiting to have these birds visit my feeders and they recently flew in for a visit.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5ds-r, 1/500sec, iso 800 and f-8.
Waiting to have these birds visit my feeders and they recently flew in for a visit.
Is this a composite: No
Canon 5ds-r, 1/500sec, iso 800 and f-8.
A nice looking bird, Wayne. Detail in the feet and lower body is excellent, but the head looks a bit soft. I don’t know if there was a bit of head motion or if it was depth of field. Since you’re working from a blind, I’d use spot autofocus and put the spot right on the head to make sure that’s as sharp as possible. I’m surprised you got one at your feeders-they’re not known as feeder birds, though they will go for berries sometimes and mealworms often.
Good looking bird. I like the bg and how the red and blue and green really make a pleasant combo. It does look like the camera grabbed focus on the back rather than the eye. I like Dennis’s idea of using a small focus point. And perhaps bird good be a bit further right in the frame. Good luck attracting more.
A gorgeous image with a sweet pose! I am SO jealous of your beautiful Eastern Bluebirds.
I think the head softness could be a bit of motion blur. Hard to tell at this size but it looks like the catchlight may have a horizontal blur. It doesn’t take much to soften details.
Hope to see more of these guys!