Eastern Tailed Blue

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Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 105mm f2.8 micro (1/500 sec at f16, ISO 2800). Topaz DeNoise AI, Heavy Crop, Resize to 15 inches in LR, Levels, Hue & Saturation, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Removed OOF Leaf upper RH Corner. On Labor Day, I headed out late in the afternoon in the hopes of getting a few more big bugs on the fall flowers. I left my 2.0x teleconverter in the house. Out near the garden, I saw a flash of blue around some goldenrod flowers and discovered an extremely tiny butterfly. This is an Eastern tailed blue and the forewing was about 4mm in length. For processing, I did most of the coarse work in Lightroom and was able to handle the noise with DeNoise AI before cropping. I resized the image when I exported it to Photoshop and finished the remaining edits there. Enjoy…Jim

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Jim, he is beautiful. I love that you captured him on the Goldenrod, it just seems to make him stand out nicely. I know what you mean, so many times I have gone out with a certain lens with one thing in mind, and low and behold, something else poses for me, and I don’t have the right lens, or extension tube, or teleconverter. You own it, but you can’t possibly carry everything at all times when out shooting. Still, this makes a very nice environmental shot, and I love it. Nice details in the little fellow.

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Jim, another challenging subject, well captured. They so seldom sit still unless you can find one down in the grass on a chilly morning. Your goldenrod looks like it’s very productive.

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Jim: Great capture of this little guy. I like the wide view with plenty of good detail visible in the butterfly. Really well done. >=))>

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Hi Jim, I like this view as well with the gorgeous flowers and contrasting subject well placed in the frame. Nice details. Well done.

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