Blue Damselfly

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This particular damselfly is about an inch and a quarter in total length. I was able to get lined up fairly well and was able to get both ends ogf this insect in sharp focus.

Specific Feedback

How’s the sharpness on this one?

Technical Details

Z9 105mm f2.8 micro (1/100sec at f18, ISO 1600) Crop for comp, DeNoise, Levels, Curves…Jim

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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This is nice Jim. Sharpness looks good. The soft, almost pastel colors are great. Nice angle to the grass perch with a nicer angle of the damselfly. The veins are clean, the eye is clear, the BG is perfect. No nits here.

Jim, this looks real good. I find them hard to photograph in that they are so small and trying to line them up so they are sharp throughout isn’t all that easy, at least for me. You found this one in a very good location so that the BG is nice and smooth. So many times when I have found them they have a distracting BG, and to try to change my position gets me where I can’t get the whole Damselfly in focus. Great job on this one. I was to change anything to this image, it might be to try and darken down the light area near the right edge. It seems to be pulling my eye out of the image. Just a thought. I would be thrilled with this image.

Great sharpness here, Jim. Gorgeous green BG. I agree with @Shirley_Freeman about the whitish mark. (Some sensor dust).

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This is excellent, Jim. You did a great job getting parallel with this critter and it really paid off in the wonderful detail in the hairs on it and the detail in the perch. I do see a few dust bunnies you could clean up and I think I agree with @Shirley_Freeman about the white blob on the right.

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Jim: Ditto what Dennis said. A fine subject superbly captured and presented. :+1: :+1:>=))>

Jim, You certainly have these guys trained well back there! This is perfect. Send some HERE to train ours. Tiny nit - there are 4 small dark spots on the largest image - one above the middle of the 'fly, 2 in the lower left, and one in the lower right.
Really fine image, as always