May Damselfly

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I decided to head to the Duck Pond to find some macro subjects and was amazed at the number of damselflies flitting around the pond edge. I shot a bunch of photos of this one and either the tail end or head was in sharp focus. None of the images was sharp from head to tail. Hmmmm, lets stack three of these images and let’s see what we get. The results looks pretty and I cleaned up some artifacts along the RH side and cropped to remove some unfixable artifacts,

Specific Feedback

Unplanned stacks rarely work. How do you feel about this one?

Technical Details

Z9 105mm f2.8 Micro (1/125 sec at f16, ISO 320, fill at -2ev) Levels, curve adjustment, TopazDeNoise, Brightness & Contrast…Jim

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Jim, I can imagine trying to get stack of images of a Damselfly would be a challenge, even 3 shots, especially unplanned. It looks pretty good. To my old eyes though, the eyes look soft, maybe motion. It could be just me. Anyway, I would be thrilled to get a shot like this, even if I had to stack them. I went to the Botanical Gardens last Saturday for the first time in a few years. I was sure rusty in my macro photography. I enjoyed myself but just didn’t seem to get what I was hoping. It was cool and the insects just weren’t out that much. One Damselfly posed for me, but try to get him sharp from one end to the other was a challenge.

Jim, my old eyes agree with Shirley’s - about the insect’s eye. And if you cloned out that darker green leaf which passes behind its head, I’d call it a winner! (couple of sensor dust spots above the wings). Great to get a stack of a damselfly, must try it.

Thank you @Shirley_Freeman and @Mike_Friel. I prefer to label those of us that have aging eyes as having the eyes of wisdom. I believe that the eye could be sharper and there’s enough of a bulge present that forces to focus indicator to light up for the edge…Jim


Jim: Perhaps not a 100% perfect stack but pretty darn good. I’ve experimented with a few small stacks when there are two subjects some distance apart and it seems to work out OK. This is good enough that I might play around with some artistic filters to mitigate the need for full sharpness. Good effort, fine result. >=))>

Thank you @Shirley_Freeman , @Michael_Frye ,and @Bill_Fach for the critiques. I appreciate your comments and we will give you something better in the near future…Jim

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Great and quick capture, Jim. I think the image did pretty well overall. The background is somewhat bright, thinking more contrast would show. However, with those wings not sure that can be done.