Eastern Tiger Swallowtail + Repost for Flower Highlights

I angled for a little different look at this common butterfly.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 60D
Canon 70-300mm IS USM zoom @ 135mm
1/1500 sec.
ISO 2000
Hand Held
Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz De-noise applied.


A great image, Terry! The colors towards the black background works very good. I like your different angle of view a lot.

Terry, this is a fine look face on of this Tiger Swallowtail. The angle works, and the black background makes him and the Coneflower stand out nicely. Tiny, tiny, nit, and that is a little tiny white spot on the BG to the left of the BF. I might would even try darkening the LLC just a bit to match the rest of the BG. Nicely done.

Creative angle on this one, Terry. Interesting that I saw the same tiny little white speck as @Shirley_Freeman. Amazing to me how you (anyone) can have a great shot and then one tiny, tiny, tiny spot catches the attention. Good lesson for me to be aware of.

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Love it! Looks like you’ve got quite the popular portrait studio going on! :slight_smile:

Thanks @Ola_Jovall @Shirley_Freeman @linda_mellor @Vanessa_Hill.

@Shirley_Freeman @linda_mellor I didn’t notice that little spec on the photo and, if I had, I would probably have thought it was a dust spec on my computer screen!

@Vanessa_Hill I hope the next client to visit my studio will be Goldfinches, coming to eat the seeds of those coneflowers! We shall see…


Oh wow! I hope so! Maybe the butterflies will write some good reviews for the Goldfinches to read! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Nicely seen! I wonder about reducing the highlights in the petals in the LL. They point to the butterfly nicely but often a lovely color can be brought out with the Highlights slider – probably just masked with a soft edge to that one area.

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@Diane_Miller Reposted per suggestion.

You darkened the mid-tones. I had in mind bringing down the Highlights slider. That can often bring out wonderful soft colors in overexposed areas, but it would need to be done on the raw file where you have the tonal overhead.

Oh, ok…Gotcha. I’ll take a look tomorrow.