Ebony Jewelwing, female

I managed to catch this female Ebony Jewelwing in a small spot of sunlight with a dark background, which is very typical of where these damselflies hang out. Their darkness against a dark background makes them hard to spot, unless they’re flying. This one was cooperative enough so that I could get her nice and sharp in a single frame. (5D3, 180 mm macro, 1/100 s, f/16, iso 800, tripod, full frame)


Wow, Mark. Fantastic detail in this little lady. Nicely seen and captured.

Mark, this is really nice the way she is framed with the leaf on the left and the one that she is on with the black BG. The light on her really made this work. Such a nice image I love the hairs on her legs and the way they show up, and the texture of the wings. This belongs on a wall!

Mark, I love the framing leaf along the left vertical. If I remark that the tip of the tail seems a little oof I am being ultra-critical of an otherwise superb shot. Very hard to get this close, and the dark bg sets it off so well.

Terrific detail and framing here, Mark. I love that the dark bg helps accentuate the detail in her wings. , and the hairs on her legs.

Wonderful specimen and detail! And none of the often too-strong specular highlights on the wings.

I meant to comment on this the other day. Was this just a battle of patience or what? These guys flit and flit and flit, hardly ever stopping for long. While I have a few decent shots of the males, I’ve long tried for one of the females, but haven’t succeeded. I always recognize them by the white wing spots, but they have some color in the body, too, and I’m glad you shared because I didn’t know. Really lovely.

Terrific shot Mark. Wonderful details and a great pose. I’ve looked for this species in my area and just can’t find the right habitat for them. Glad you got this one and shared with us.