Eclipse sequence

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It was awesome! And a lot of work. And so worth it!

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Tracked exposures over 2 hours and 40 minutes, ISO 100, f/6.7, 1/500 sec. Partial phases captured 20 min apart. (I shot every 5 minutes but that was too many to composite.)


YIKES !!..amazing overall start to finish sequence here, Diane. Flat out stunning work. Thanks for sharing… :+1: :+1:

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Gorgeous composite of the sequence, Diane. Make it really big and backlight it!

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What Paul and Dennis said and more. Awesome.

Stunning, Diane. Absolutely amazing. Can’t even imagine, well I sort of can, the amount of time, energy, patience and practice that has gone into this entire event for you! Looks like it was all worth it, IMHO. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Amazing image, Diane. An enormous amount of work, I am sure, but as you say, the result is totally worth it! :clap:


A wonderful composite sequence. I especially love the blending of the two diamond rings on either side of the corona.

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Planning pays off! This is really excellent.

Thanks, @Paul_Breitkreuz, @Dennis_Plank, @Jim_Gavin, @linda_mellor, @Saundie, @Youssef_Ismail and @Dan_Hicks! This was a huge adventure, with a lot of luck involved!

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Phenomenal! Love the way you superimposed the full eclipse!!

Most definitely worth all the work! Simply stunning.

Truly amazing. The sharpness in all of the images, from the visible sun spots to all the craziness of the corona reaching out everywhere. Beautifully composed and well-planned in every aspect. Thank you for the images.

Thanks, @John_Williams, @DeanRoyer and @anthony! Sharp focus, detail and other aspects of image quality such as low noise and good dynamic range, are an essential ingredient for me, except in the rare instances when I am trying to channel pictorialism. For me, art and craft are equally important.


Diane, this composite is exquisite. I have similar shots but lack the skill in PS to produce such a beautiful image. Congratulations!

Thanks, Daniel! PS is worth the time to learn!

Really wonderful, Diane. I think this one is publishable somewhere, if you like to submit to photography magazines. I’ve seen many composite eclipses before, but never one catching the corona and diamond ring effect, so this one hits a major trifecta!

Thanks for working so hard on it and sharing it.

Thanks, @Marylynne_Diggs! I want to do another composite of just the Few seconds before and after totality – if I can find time – and need to refine the image of the corona. I seem to be on a treadmill, running and getting nowhere.

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I imagine you have endless possibilities with all of those frames. It’s like money in the bank for a rainy day.