Edge of Autumn

REWORK with alternate crop + Diane’s suggestion:


The red bud in our backyard was showing some nice fall color, so I thought I’d see what I could see. The most interesting parts were the edges of the leaves where some critter had chewed on them, leaving a dried, dark rim.

Specific Feedback Requested

Oh, any critique is welcome, as always.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
a7r3, 176mm, f5.6, 1/320s, ISO 800. Camera was on the tripod, but I had to increase the ISO to get the shutter speed down because there was a slight breeze. Cropped to 4:5. Processed to even out the exposure and brighten dark spots so they would not interfere with the dark edges of the leaves. Desaturated the yellows to convey a more decayed sense.

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This is another of your super creative looks at a subject that most of us would not even consider worthwhile. I love the muted color and the use of the DOF is wonderful!
If I had one nit…maybe a slight crop from the right and top. I am not sure the amount of space in the URC adds. Curious what others think.
Regardless, this is really nice work!

I think this is WAY cool! A wonderful example of creative thinking and processing. I love the subtle main subject and the soft variety of colors in the BG. I love the way the BG branch cradles under the leaves and becomes softer/smaller as it exits top right. I’d hate to lose any of that area. My only tiny thought is to maybe do a darker half-circular burn on the lighter leaf right at the bottom edge. With the chewed-up leaf pointing to it, it pulls my eye down there a bit.

Bonnie, love this. Yes, the main chewed up leaf is captivating but I love how you were able to make the supporting elements work with it and actually prop it up even more: the subtle curve from the branch behind and all those OOF structure from the rest of the leaves… Amazing work, but even better, amazing eyes.

Another very cool abstract Bonnie. The thing I love most about this image is the color, it’s subtle and essentially monochromatic, but that works oh so well here. And when viewing the image large, I really like how the water drops play a nice secondary role.

At first blush, I thought I agreed with Alan on his proposed alternate crop. But after thinking about a bit, I’m kind of intrigued with what a square crop might do.

Thank you, @Alan_Kreyger, @Diane_Miller, and @Adhika_Lie for your thoughts.

Alan, there is a lot of “blank space” in the UR, but I rather liked the shadow of that branch that curves under the main leaf and then heads off to the URC. It was part of my idea for the composition.

Excellent suggestion! That part was partially obscured from the leaves I was shooting through, and I didn’t think to make it the same level of dark as the rest of the edges.

Thanks, @Ed_McGuirk! The square crop does work, but I liked the curving background branch (as I posted while you were posting - lol). Maybe a wider aspect, cutting some off the top. I’ll post a rework.

Oh I like your rework! I think the aspect ratio suits the subtle lines in the image. It’s so soft and airy, sort of ethereal and the new crop has a freeing effect where the first (4:5?) feels constricting. Beautifully seen and rendered.

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I also prefer the rework and the aspect ratio. The extra dreamy detail just works better for me, particularly on the right side.

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