Hi Lorretta,
To start with, I would recommend taking a look through our guidelines for projects. This has great information that was written by Theo Bosboom who is a wonderful resource for projects.
I would also look into LensWork and Brooks Jensen, he has endless information on projects, especially in his podcast.
Eric Bennett is another good resource for projects. I know he has a presentation on curating projects that he will be giving as a paid webinar soon either on his own or we may collaborate on this, so I would subscribe to his newsletter as well as mine.
I would also consider William Neill’s book The Photographer’s Portfolio Development Handbook.
For presentations for your club, my partner Jennifer Renwick has a presentation on projects, and also Cole Thompson may have a presentation on prjoects, but I’m not positive.
I’m sure there’s a lot more I’m forgetting, but I hope this helps!