El Capitan Mist - 1996
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Speaking of fog and icons… I was in Yosemite for autumn just a couple weeks ago. With rain and passing storms coming and going… made for outstanding conditions for fog in the valley. I actually was up at Tunnel View for sunrise - along with 60 or more other photographers… Including our own William Neil and Alex Noriega who were conducting a workshop, so I didn’t want to take away from time with their paying customers, but was able to say hello.
Fog in the Valley from Tunnel view just simply creates many opportunities for special photographs. But no great color or dramatic light from the sun. I hung out for about an hour and decided to head down in to the valley where I knew the fog and conditions would continue and I wanted to get ahead of the crowds who would be following soon. I found myself at the next iconic “Kodak photo location” at the base of Bridal Veil falls.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m a creature of habit. I’ve been photographing Yosemite for a long time… and I have images imprinted in my brain that I’ve captured over the years, dating back to the earl 1990’s. When I arrived at this spot, I recalled one of my all time favorite images and so I set out to replicate what I captured from 1996. I even went so far as to pull up my website on my phone, found the image and was quite literally trying to find the same viewpoint.
Well, come to discover, the tree from the 1996 image is NOT in the same shape as it was. In fact, the tall pines in both these images are NOT the same tree. So there was another tree maybe 50-75 years away, which changed the viewpoint and size, presence of El Cap was a little different.
Specific Feedback
I’m really just looking for feedback on the current image. The image taken 27 years ago I just wanted to include for reference. While I’m quite happy with the recently captured image, there really isn’t anything that will replace something that you captured and experienced for the first time. But it was certainly a fun exercise!
I spent an inordinate amount of time with colors and processing. I reprocessed the 4x5 scan since I hadn’t done so in many years. I found out how almost futile it was trying to make blue the same from two different sources - scanned film and digital.
Feedback on colors and processing will be appreciated.
As always, all comments and feedback welcome. I am curiuos if anyone has images implanted in their brain archives that sometimes you try and replicate?
Technical Details
Current image: Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @56mm, f/8 1/125s iso 100. 2-image focus stack.
Orig 1996 image, 4x5 Fuji Velvia 210mm lens (60mm 35mm equiv)