Elakala Falls and Swirl

This was taken last weekend on a quick trip Mike and I took to WV with some rain in the forecast. The rain really helped to bring out the lush greens of the moss and the surrounding woodland of Blackwater Falls SP. One of my goals was to emulate an image my brother took a couple of years ago of some moss covered tree roots. He lead me back to the area , but unfortunately in the intervening years some morons had walked on the roots stripping them of much of their moss. Anyway, I digress as this was another image I had in mind. I was able to capture a few images from my list, but not all.

As always thanks for taking a look and leaving a thought.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

All C&C welcome

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

All C&C welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Nikon D800, Nikon 17-35 @ 25mm, f 16 @ 10 sec, ISO 100, CPL & 2 stop ND filter, cable release & tripod

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I think this is a beautiful scene. There are many elements adding to the frame. I like the inclusion of the walk above the falls, but it does create a loss at the bottom of the swirling water. I think it would have been nice to have both.

I also see a significant color cast from the camera being fooled on white balance. It is quite yellow/green. Here’s a quick adjustment with a white balance adjustment and a TK Darks TP which adds in my opinion. See what you think,

My first reaction, Ed, was the green tint and cast to the falls and bridge is a real bother and not sure the cutoff swirl works well in this image; it seems like an unneeded addition. I think the little falls would be a strong enough foreground. @Keith_Bauer rework and removal looks good. Lovely work on the falls capture and really like the inclusion of the bridge element above the boulders.

Beautiful image! The walkway, falls and the swirl make an excellent composition. I do agree with Keith regarding white balance and like his rendition.

Excellent image, Ed. The only thing I would change would be the processing to match @Keith_Bauer’s take. But I totally disagree about the swirl. I think it is a great addition the photo and just the right amount. If you included the whole swirl, the bottom would be too elongated with too much forground and the falls would look like a distant mountain range with a wide angle lens. As it is I think it balances out the bridge at the top. Different strokes I guess.

Many thanks for the C&C @Keith_Bauer, @Stephen_Stanton, @Izzy and @Michael_Lowe; always appreciated. I could not shoot any wider than 25mm as I had a CPL and 2 stop ND filters on and they start to creep into the frame when I shoot at 22-24mm. I really wanted the bridge so I made sure I had at least 2/3rd’s of the swirl in the frame. I should have thought to shoot an image without the bridge, but I guess I had a senior moment as I never even thought of it until afterwards. :sob: That will be my incentive to go back for a redo.

@Keith_Bauer: Thanks for taking the time to do a rework as it looks great.

A beautiful shot Ed, I think it works well either with or without the bridge, depending upon what type of story you are trying to tell. The flow of water in the falls is gorgeous, perfect choice of shutter speed on your part. If you include the bridge, I think the 3:2 aspect ratio works well, in spite of what all the 5:7 enthusiasts will say :laughing:

I really like what @Keith_Bauer did with his rework, his tweak to WB to get purer whites adds more pop to the image.

I assume this means you use a filter holder for at least the Grad ND, and this can cause vignetting. Ed, it’s time to learn basic exposure blending or even Lightroom HDR, and ditch that Grad ND filter :grin:. Not being able to shoot wider than 22mm can be very limiting sometimes. One of the best things I ever did was learn enough about blending to wean myself off Grad ND’s. It will open up many new creative possibilities for you. If I only had a nickel for how many times my Grad ND filter fogged up, got raindrops on it, or overly darkened the tops of trees and mountains…


Thanks so much for your thoughts; always appreciated. I totally agree, @Keith_Bauer’s rework with the WB nailed it. In this case the CPL and 2 stop ND filters are both screw on and when stacked stick out 5/8". If I am only using one it is not to bad. You are absolutely correct on blending exposures as I need to quit being such a dinosaur and learn how to do it. Mike keeps telling me the same thing. :laughing: Any tutorials you would recommend for a rookie?