End of Summer

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


One of my favorite seasons. It’s the holiday season in Israel. A bit past the peak of summer fog season, but Squills are already blooming (they’re actually considered a symbol for the autumn here).
A recent image, shot shortly after sunrise.

Technical Details

ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/400s

I’m not good with specific technical suggestions, but can give my first impressions. I think you have some nice DOF but brightening the in focus rocks and plant would provide further separation. Actually, I think the whole image could be brightened and maybe warmed more. I’m also wondering about straightening the horizon. That’s probably the way it was, but it feels tilted to my eye. I think this must have been a beautiful morning to be out there. Autumn is my favorite season, also.

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Apologies for my late reply Chris, and thank you for your feedback.
I will try your suggestions. In fact, I remember that one of the things that caught my attention was how the squills were glowing in the sun. Unfortunately this required a different angle that did not fit with the composition I wanted. So definitely worth a try to bring some of that glow back.
Again, thank you for your insights and critique.