Eternal viper

Spotted this poor thing while out biking uphill in the Pyrenees - only had my iPhone.
Yes, I know it’s disgusting, but at the same time graphically appealing, and I found the metaphoric touch by passing on to the next world by making an almost perfect eternity sign irresistible.

Specific Feedback Requested

I’m clearly not a wildlife photographer (as you would see on my homepage) and I suspect this subject matter hardly fits the definition of wildlife - rather “nature more” than “still life”. Points of view?

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Jan, yes a graphic image as a documentary more than any true wildlife scene as you’ve pointed out. And you’re correct. The infinity loop is a sadly poetic sign for this poor creature. Do you know if this was a venomous snake? … :skull_and_crossbones:
In general snakes and I get along very well. We keep our distances as far apart as possible. Especially after I was face to face with a very large diamond back on one of my hunting outings as a teenager… :skull:

Thanks Paul - much appreciated!
The common European viper is poisonous to smaller animals including dogs but human fatalities are rare. So don’t worry, unless you’re a small rodent… :smiley:

OK…thanks for the info, Jan. Not a small rodent in size but at my ripe old age a mosquito bite could cause my lights to go dim badly… :clown_face:

A compelling photo whatever category it falls into!

Well-seen, Jan. Beyond the obvious appeal of the shape, the patterns and textures in this (scales, surrounding stones) work incredibly well. It’s quite dramatic, despite the, er… lack of movement. :wink:

Thanks Max!
Wondered if the appeal I sense is esthetic or morbid - probably both

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Hello Jan, I’ve only just found your photo as I’m diving into submittals from before I joined NPN. I’ll take a different point of view: to me, this is a wildlife photo, and it’s a moving, tragic little vignette. Snakes, like all wildlife, have such a hard time in the Anthropocene. This image says it all. I’m not disturbed by the graphic details, but the image is so symbolic of human indifference and that disturbs me – making your image very successful indeed. Best – MET

Hi Michael,
Sorry for being sluggish, not been very active lately. Thanks for appreciating comments, I obviously hoped for my ideas resonating this way.
Cheers, Jan

Jan: the image evokes a very strong feeling of sadness for the snake. There is also irony in the snake’s final configuration.