Fallen at the Edge of a Lake #2 + Diff. Crop



You may have noticed I’m taken with fallen and submerged trees at the edge of water bodies. I like the interplay of the “reality” of the branches still above water vs. the surrealism of the submerged branches and the textures in the water.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments welcome. I’m a bit torn about including the larger part of the tree trunk in the LLC (a lot of it has been cropped away already - I was on a tall bank and couldn’t zoom in any further). I tried cropping it away altogether, but lost too many of the smaller branches.

Technical Details

a7r3, 105mm, f/11, 1/250s, ISO 400. Lots of dodging/burning, color adjustments, cloning a few stray bits out.


The branches underwater are fascinating and beautiful! For me, the branches on the left are not attractive and I wonder if some crop from the left could leave enough of them to explain the scene but simplify it a little.

Wonderfully seen, Bonnie. I also love how the submerged limbs feel like an abstract version of the ones above. I also did feel cropping from the left might work, so I took your image into PS and cropped from the left just a bit and just slightly from the bottom to remove the rock in the LLC. Looked good to me. All depends on what works for you though. Nicely seen and captured.

Thanks, @Diane_Miller and @linda_mellor. I take your point about the left-hand branches, but I do like that far left curvy one. I posted a different crop as you suggested.


I like that one, too! Maybe a slight burn on the smaller branches left of it?

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