False Mealworm Beetle (Alobates pennsylvanicus)

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Inspecting firewood sometimes reveals treasures that are suitable for macrophotography. This is a darkling beetle that commonly utilizes damp, rotten wood as its home. I chose this view because I liked how the antennae were positioned during this shot. Stacking was not possible due to the beetle moving constantly.

Technical Details

Z9 105mm f2.8 Micro (1/80 sec at f20, ISO 1250, 2 flashes set at 1/16 and 1/32 power) DeNoise, Levels, Brightness & Contrast, Slight rotation and crop for comp,Jim

Jim, this is an excellent look at this beetle. Such details in him, and the lighting is really nice. Beetles can be difficult to use flash on because their hard shell bodies reflect it and can look like a flash was used. This looks like natural light. Well done. Now I need to remember this and the next time we go to our camper do a search around my brother’s wood pile to see if I can find something like this for a subject.

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A great look at this beetle, Jim. I’m surprised he was so active-were you in a warm spell or did you do this inside? In any case, using the flashes to get to f/20 is a really good idea.

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Jim: Interesting looking critter and a fine capture of it. Extraordinarily good use of your flash. If you hadn’t mentioned it I would never have suspected. Top notch shot. >=))>

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No need for stacking here – DOF works very well, and the detail is super. The flash setup gave such lovely soft shadows – no nits!

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