Faroe Island Lighthouse

Dramatic clouds pulled in during this stunning sunset on the Faroe Islands. The light, and the clouds, kept changing throughout the afternoon/evening.

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Technical Details

1/100sec, f/11, ISO 100, 14mm, very quick and basic adjustment in Lightroom.

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A nice shot of this island prominence, Fritz! The stormy clouds and spot lighting really add drama to the scene. It’s interesting that no matter whether you went left or right you were on the edge and could have easily gone “over the edge”!

This is very dramatic, Fritz. I started out wishing that the far peak could catch some light, but in the largest view, I see that there’s a bit of cloud creeping over, so getting light on that peak would be nearly impossible. The little white lighthouse sure stands out while that trail along the backbone would be a very dramatic stroll.

It was quite the experience. Glad you like the image, Gary.

A dramatic stroll indeed; so was the changing light, and the clouds. Glad you like this, Mark.