Female Northern Harrier w/Repost

Repost with Crop and Clone suggestions:

Original Post

The light couldn’t have been better this morning at our wildlife refuge. 29 degrees, clear, and cold.

This Harrier was closer than they usually are, although this is still a crop. Got lots of head movement and eye contact shots, but this one was my favorite.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments appreciated. Since this is a crop, would you crop any differently? I tried to not make her centered, with the head looking back into some of the scene.

Technical Details

600mm, 1/500 sec @ f/8, ISO 320.

Wonderful to get that close to one!! Those eyes are electric!

The crop works for me but I could also see taking a bit off the top, largely to equalize with the space at the bottom. My eye sort of wanders off the bird and into the distance at the top.

A very good look at this bird and I like the composition. I’d just clone out the two small white circular marks in the upper left quarter.

Really nice light on this one. Great head turn and those eyes looking at you are wonderful.

Wonderful shot of this Harrier. The eyes draw you right into the frame. Nice pose too. I think I agree with Diane that a small crop at the top would keep the eye from moving up. Nicely done, David.

@Diane_Miller, @Mike_Friel, @David_Schoen, and @Donna_Callais thank you for the comments and suggestions. I posted a redo with the crop and clone suggestions up above.

Thanks again.
