Female Redwinged Blackbird

I stopped at one of my favorite pullouts for Blackbirds when I was at the refuge last Thursday. This was the only one I saw and there was quite a strong side/back light. I liked what it did to the reeds, so I worked on bringing the bird up while trying not to overdo it.

Specific Feedback Requested

I’m interested in how the bird comes across relative to the lighting in the rest of the scene. Is it still realistic? Does the plumage show adequately?

Not a composite.

Technical details:
Sony a6500, Fe200-600 @ 600 mm, beanbag on car window, f/8, 1/1600, iso 1250, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Levels and curves adjustments to bird and curves adjustment to entire image through a TK midtones 2 mask. Small crop to 5680x3704. Eliminated one extremely bright grass blade. Topaz Detail 3 on bird to bring out plumage detail.

I think this needs to be seen in the largest version to appreciate the nice light on the face and chest. The plumage shows okay. Nicely composed environmental setting. I’d be tempted to clone out the branch above the head.

Wonderful environmental capture, completely natural to me, with lovely feather detail. The cattails are fascinating, too. I’d be tempted to lighten the dark band across the top edge.

Plumage and lighting look good to me Dennis. I do agree with Allen about removing the twig above the little birds head. Nicely seen and processed.

This looks considerably better as a larger image. In the smaller image, the bird seems a tad bit dark. The cloning suggestion is good as I thought this might be the redwinged unicorn bird.

Looks good and a really good idea. I like cloning suggestion also. I think I would also so look at a crop to remove the dark band at the top but keep the same format. I am not sure which side to crop from. I guess you would have to try both to see which you prefer.

Hi Dennis
Nice work. My only comment would to use the larger posting and trim a little off the lower frame.
The photograph it self look vary pleasant. ( good luck with remove the stick, I can never get the backgrounds to blend)