Fern shadows

I’m fortunate to have several different kinds of ferns growing in places where I can watch them closely and photograph them often. The shadows on the leaves of a Cinnamon Fern are just magic; when I converted it to B&W it shifted totally into the realm of abstract!

Specific Feedback Requested

any and all

Technical Details

Sony 6000, 1/320, f/9.0, 180mm, ISO800 with adjustments to tone curves, sharpening, cropping and conversion to B&W in LR


I like this a lot, John. The abstract feel and the shadows really standout. I also like the B&W treatment. Well done.

Going to be honest! When I first looked at this one as a thumbnail, I didn’t like it, but the more time I’ve spent with it, the more I like it. The use of the shadow play is really nice. If I’m being nitpicky I would say there’s a big problem with that out of focus section at upper left. I’m not sure if this was focus stacked or not, but it could have benefited from it. Normally, it’s not a big deal but it does take up a lot of real estate. Anyways, Nice work with the processing here… I think you could even push those blacks further!

Thanks. I’m in total agreement with you on the out of focus bits. So it goes!

Hi John, I think the combination of shadow and light works so well in your image. Really well done with the repeating patterns. I do have to agree with the out of focus areas being a bit distracting. It is difficult doing a focus stack on ferns since they tend to move with the slightest breeze.