Ferruginous Flight

Description: I’ve really been enjoying the opportunities to photograph some wintering Ferruginous Hawks recently and here’s a shot I got this morning of a really handsome specimen which was very accommodating. I swear they are posing for me… unlike all other Hawks I shoot.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/3200th, f 8.0, 280mm, ISO 1000, AI Clear, cropped to 1942 x 2161.

Is this a composite? No

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This is a very nice flight/sky shot… Sky color is off though, easy fix.

Dave, you caught another nice in flight image here where the head and eye received some wonderful light. The blue in the sky is a bit intense but does not bother me at all… :sunglasses:

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A cool flight pose, Dave. The belly color creates a weird optical illusion with the legs, but that just adds to the interest.

Wow!! So sharp and detailed, and with a gorgeous pose! Just a slight desaturation of blues and cyans should tweak the sky without affecting much on the bird.

Nice ! Sometimes you need some cooperative individuals - lucky you had this one ! Nice pose of the bird. Cheers, Hans

Nice flight shot showing off that up raised wing. It is interesting how the twisted body gives an different look to the leg position.