
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’m’ not sure if this qualifies as a fall “scene.” I took this image out my living room window yesterday. I call this my calico tree as it turns every color of autumn leaves at once. Every year I’ve tried to take a photo to capture the beauty I see in the leaves. This ICM shot is the first time I’ve caught how the tree feels to me.

Specific Feedback

Anything at all.

Technical Details

1/8 sec. @ f14, ISO 200


Great image Chris,

I really like the wave effect of the ICM. Its something different than the usual ICM. They remind me of quick Van Gogh like brush strokes. The colors are all really nice and balance out well.

Chris, your explanation and concept for this photograph intrigue me. Thanks for sharing. How it works for you is what is important. The play of color and the suggestion of motion combine to make an interesting abstract. I have two very minor observations about the borders of the frame. The light spot on the upper left and the bright blue area on lower right distract from the center of interest. I would eliminate the white area and darken the blue just a bit, but that is my take and may not be yours.

Good points. Thanks.

Nice action effect, and balance. I’ve experimented with similar motion but the effect was much smaller “waves” leading me to believe your tree has fairly large leaves. Is it a sweet gum? They are trees of many colors in fall.

Fiesta is a great title for this - it’s quite festive. I love the colors. I do agree with Barbara on the blue area LRC and white bit ULC. I think if you turn the blue area more purple and darken it, that would look good. The diagonal area of purplish hues look great against the yellows and oranges.

@Bonnie_Lampley @Jim_Gavin Thank you for your feedback. Yes, Jim, it is a sweet gum.