Flagstaff Lake has an incredible story behind it. It was once a town called Flagstaff village but was flooded by the power company to get access to 2 major water sources through dams. Graveyards and homes had to be relocated and when the water gets very very low you can still see the ghosts that remain.
While traveling to see the beautiful foliage I notice the cloud reflections in the water and the beautiful pinks and blues.
Camera: FujiFilm X-Pro 1 ,50mm, 1/125 sec, F8, ISO400
Norma, the mix of colors and the sharpness of the shoreline trees is quite striking. This is a peaceful, lovely scene that’s worthy of hanging on a wall to be enjoyed for years. As a side note, we’re asking WC posters to include the WC number as a tag. I’ve fixed that for you.
As a side note. When I first opened this image, I could not expand it. Then, I went back to the thumb and returned. Now even the small version wasn’t showing, only the hot link. Another round of back to the thumb and reopen the small version showed both the small version and the ability to open the larger version. Clearly there are web site response issues, that are most likely related to slow response when it comes to displaying images. It seems that patience may be the watchword.