Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 200, 1/10 @ f16
I really had not thought of doing a series on our hibiscus but these guys keep beckoning me. On this particular plant there are what appears to be mutant petals on the stamen stalk. This one seemed to afford the best view of the phenomenon without masking the other center details. Anyone else seen this kind of structure? All comments welcome. >=))>
Bill, I sure haven’t ever seen this, but I haven’t been around hibiscus much either. you did a great job capturing this. I don’t think I have ever seen a hibiscus this color either. To me, it looks like it could use a bit more contrast, but you may have done that on purpose so that we would be viewing the mutant petals on the stamen stalk rather than having our attention on the flower itself.
That’s quite fascinating Bill. Off hand, that front light-yellow pedal almost looks like it flew and landed there from another blossom on the bush - doesn’t look like it’s growing there, but then is that also a pedal beneath? Heck if I know - I can’t even name off the different parts of a flower let alone suggest what this could be.
for sure, I like the softness of the main bg part of the flower - which helps bring the focus back up to where you have your sharpest focus and details. That’s working nicely.
Otherwise, a matter of taste whether or not you would want to drop the overall luminosity a tad. But that’s all a matter of choice.
I love all the color and texture. Well done. I would like to see into the dark center just a bit more.