
These are stones in the middle of a river (Tevån, Härjedalen, Sweden). The image has been rather heavily post-processed to empasize the flow and to achieve a painterly look.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
f/13, 1/5 sec, ISO 100, Olympus lens 300 mm (600 mm equiv.), Olympus OM-D E-M1 (mft system)


Hello Ola! Very beautiful I’m image! I love the different shades of green and the flowing water! Nicely done!

Ola, excellent image, very soothing.

Ola, beautiful!

The image is particularly intriging with the various paths of the water entering the frame pretty much from the same direction, then flowing out at different angles. The distortion of the bottom vegetation is lovely.

There are “stretches” of river, but this is a fine example of where the river stretches. Excellent in all respects . Very wise to emphasize the flow and give it a painterly appearance.

Ola, the long flow lines in the water contrast well with the clumps of green that “walk” through the frame. This is a lovely, semi-abstract river view.

@Vanessa_Hill, @paul_g_wiegman, @Mark_Seaver, @Jim_Gavin and @anthony4 thanks for your kind comments.

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Excellent image. It does not look heavily processed at all, so great job on the processing! Love the lines and flow of the image and a great entry for the challenge. Excellent small scene.

@Harley_Goldman, thanks for your kind comments.

Thanks! The post-processing is rather challenging, but it is rather rewarding the few times when you actually manage to come close to what you planned to achieve.

Despite the ‘heavy post-processing’ you mention, this little scene looks quite natural to me. Seems you chose the right shutter speed to show the flow of the water while retaining the subtle greens of the stones. I also like the diverging and converging streamlines in this particular angle of view.

@Igor_Hoveijn thanks for your kind comments. I am glad that you liked the image.

Stunning, especially on the full-screen setting. To my untutored eye the flow could be in either direction. I’m guessing it’s left to right, but the impression of a “downhill” flow R to L in the middle of the right side plus the suggestion in the upper vegetation (clinging to the stones?) of R to L flow leave me pleasantly puzzled!

@Mike_Friel thanks for your kind comments. The water flows from L to R.