Flowering Dogwood

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The problem I had with photographing this tree was the bane of most flora, macro and landscape photographers : wind.
It was getting fairly dark and I wanted decent dof so was shooting at f/16. Unfortunately the wind was pretty brisk. So getting a shot without too many blurry leaves was a challenge. Couldn’t bump the ISO up too much cause my antique D200 gets quite noisy above ISO 200.

Specific Feedback

Any and all comments, critiques or suggestions welcome.

Technical Details

Nikon D200, 105mm, 1.5 sec @ f/16, ISO 320.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Emotional Impact:
  • Mood Creation:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Textures and Patterns:
  • Use of Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Subject and Genre:
  • Post-processing:
  • Technical Aspects:
1 Like

Michael: Frame filling fantastic. Love the color palette and the structure of the limbs amidst the delicate flowers. Really well seen, captured and presented. >=)>

I think the sharpness is fine. I like the composition. There is a bright spot of sky near the top that could perhaps be cloned out.

One thing I think might be worth exploring is playing up the color contrast of the pink blossoms and green leaves. Right now the leaves are mostly dark, but you could use either point color or a selective color mask to brighten them a bit. You would have to watch out not to brighten the small number of green leaves that are already bright, so perhaps a mask layer would be best.

Your persistence and patience with trying to capture an image of this pink dogwood paid off beautifully Mike! The DOF and sharpness look just fine to me and I am loving the color palette of pinks and greens. My only suggestion would be to clone out a little of the sky right of center toward the top edge. Beautiful image.

Mike, this looks great. It must be a huge, old dogwood to let you fill this much frame with so many flowers. The angled branches make a fine contrast to the flowers and add a nice touch of dynamism to the viewing. This is nicely reminiscent of some of Eliot Porter’s work.

Beautiful image, Michael. I always have issues with this kind of photograph and you showed me a nice way around them by framing it against a well vegetated background. The lines of the branches form a pleasing pattern and I like all the pink blossoms against the green background. The fill the frame in interesting tiers that give a slight sense of order to the general chaos. I don’t see enough motion blur in the image to matter, so you must have gotten a bit of a lull in the wind.

Lovely indeed, Michael. As others have commented the pinks and greens are delightful. What strikes me is how the structure of the branches form , not only support for the flowers, but also organic sections. Each section is like puzzle piece or an image by its self. Nicely done.