Flowers at the Winery

Took this image at a local winery. Like the arrangement of the flowers and the other elements in the picture. It is a blend of five images for focus. Would appreciate your opinions on the composition, processing, and general impression of the image.

My first post here on NPN. Would like your opinions


What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any and all.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Composition, processing, visual impact.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

Blend of five images for focus. Fuji X-T3 with 18-55 lens. Tripod mounted.

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Welcome to NPN and the Flora Forum, Ron. This is a fine first post. I really like the arrangement you found and I think your framing worked nicely with the bowl of pansies very well placed in the frame. The focus blending looks very good with no anomalies visible to me. I do wish that those two clumps of white flowers on the right edge hadn’t been amputated, but extending the frame in that direction would have brought more of the diverging trunk of the tree in, which on balance would probably have done more damage to the image than including the rest of the flower clumps would have improved it. If you were taking this in your own yard, I’d suggest pulling those flowers either into the frame or out of it, but I don’t recommend that on someone else’s property.

Welcome again and I look forward to seeing more of your images and your comments on other folks images as well.


Thanks for the reply and the time you took to review my image. I agree that the flowers on the bottom right are distracting since they are only partially in the frame. I need to be more observant of the edges of my images.

Look forward to posting more images and getting more good feedback. Thanks again.


Ron: Welcome to NPN in general and to Flora in particular. This is a pretty chaotic scene which you’ve pulled together and composed very nicely. I’m OK with the flowers on the edge; you have to crop somewhere. I do love the broad spectrum of colors and all the various textures and forms. Overall I think this is well seen, composed and captured. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more. >=))>

Welcome to flora critique forum. In formal gardens there are wonderful vignettes to capture and you’ve picked a nice scene. It is balanced, colorful and includes different varieties of flowers and shapes . Look forward to seeing more of your posts.


Thanks for the comments. I am playing with different crops that would eliminate the flowers on the right. Not sure if I like those either, but always good to consider and experiment.

Thanks again.

Thanks, Patricia. Appreciate your thoughts.


Ron, an excellent and well balanced post. Welcome to the Flora forum! Most everything has been said, and I won’t dwell on the other’s critiques. I agree with Bill on the amputated white flowers. my recommendation would be to leave them alone and wait until the next time. My one small nit is the heavy shadow on the tree trunk, which brings it into more prominence than it deserves. Simply dodging it with a mild dodging brush would probably settle it down, being careful not to overdo.