Described to me by an astute English major, “a sweet bucolic setting,” which translates to a nice non-urban setting…I still get a laugh from that description. I’m a sucker for fog and I drove through fog thicker than pea soup to get to this location because I knew the deer were in rut and on the move. I got lucky with a perfect setting and two deer.
Specific Feedback Requested
I’ll take anything you’ve got to give.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
D810, f/9, ISO 200, 1/640 Tokina 17-35 @35mm
Standard ACR basics and a modified Lights mask with a slight curve at both the bottom and the top.
Fog is a photographer’s best friend. I like the cool tones here and the openness. Fog often makes us feel closed in, but this photo doesn’t do that. If it were mine I’d experiment with some cropping. The top of the shot isn’t doing much and you didn’t get the whole tree anyway, so cropping might convey that enveloping presence if you want it.
My kind of scene – well done! @Kris_Smith has an interesting idea with a crop from the top. If I scroll the screen about halfway to the top of the pine, the distracting (for me) busyness in the UR is reduced and I get pulled more into the center of the image.
I didn’t even see the deer at first, the scene was so captivating. I’m a fan of fog too…acquired taste from hiking too tall mountains with a camera early in the morning. I should pull the file of photos I took of fog on purpose…
You’ve inspired me!
Anyway, I love the “size” line of the trees from right to left, and the color contrast of the greens in the water and on the islets.
Wonderful image. The fog simplifies the composition and thus isolating all the elements. I would not crop from above because you want all that negative space on the left to balance out the rest of the image. Photography is a medium of compromises. Besides the dark trees give the scene a mood of it’s own. There is merit in that darkness.
What a wonderful image you made here, Chris. It’s an excellent comp and I would not crop it. Just love the mood with the fog and the deer add such a wonderful touch. Excellent all the way around for me!