The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
I like the moodiness of the image and the minimalistic nature of it. I think the contrast in the fairly wild, mature tree and the younger, more manicured tree in the distance is interesting.
Creative direction
Want to convey the solitude created by the heavy fog.
Specific Feedback
Would love feedback on both the technical merits (tonality and such) as well as the emotional and artistic value of the image in your eyes.
Technical Details
Shot at ISO100, 1/40th of a sec, f13 at 27mm (16-35mm lens). Cropped to square
Captured while hiking on a foggy mountain day. The fog was ebbing and flowing. The sun was low in the background, providing a somewhat natural vignette. Minutes later the scene was entirely clear.
Very minimalist and beautiful image. It’s the background tree that really sets this off though for me. This is really well conceived and composed. It’s plenty moody but you could even take it farther with negative dehaze to really make it moody. Or, you could make more high key than it is. Two totally different directions. I would try and make the foreground even more minimalist by dodging it so it’s not quite so heavy. These are just suggestions as I find the image quite beautiful as is.
The character of the foreground tree is really nice. I love the balance of that tree as well.
Would love to see more of your work, Paul.
I really like this, the square crop, the centered composition of the foreground tree and the way the small three in the background disrupts the symmetry. The small tree makes it clear that it is foggy, and the tonality of the foreground tree matches that. All in all I completely get the sense of solitude you are after here. The only bit that doesn’t entirely work for me is the tonality of the foreground grass, I think it would benefit from a touch more localised contrast to give the blades a bit more definition.
I like the composition of this photo very much. The FG tree has great character and you have framed it perfectly juxtaposed with that BG tree. One thing that caught my attention which I think detracts from the photo, is the uneven density of the branches in the FG tree. For example, the main branch on the right side is silhouetted as well as the very left end of the left branch, but the central branch which appears to be on the back side of the tree seems lighter gray in tone. I am not sure if that was due to the fog, or if it was in processing. But it is visually confusing.
First the choice of a square format for me is a win. And a really well framed image too.
I do like the minimalist feel to it, I would do as @David_Haynes suggested and go on a brighter high key feel, and really take that with of fog to almost pure white.
Still I like the mid tones and all the detail on the branches of the main tree, and the BG tree tone is perfect.
Thanks All for the comments. I’ve been playing with the image some and agree that making the fog brighter helps. @Youssef_Ismail, yes, the fog was causing the uneven density in the FG tree. I see how that may be visually confusing, so will touch that up a bit to see if I can even it out.