I think the interplay of background and the subject is terrific. All that well-lit detail in the background should be distracting but that is not at all what happens. The BG branches and subtle colors seem like a textured paper on which the dark trees are painted. The branches on the right are a fine echo of the main tree.
You had many choices of luminosity and saturation; I am happy you settled on this calm treatment.
No niggles.
Don: Not as compelling for me as your earlier post but still frame filling fantastic. There’s a lot to look at and like. Good vision, great image. >=))>
Don, the color balance works well for me. I love the very subtle blue tones in the background mixed with the warm fall colored leaves. I also like the detail falloff from front to rear where the background is rendered un-sharp against the sharper foreground trees. The composition is well done. You needed that smaller tree in the lower ight corner to balance this scene and I might even burn those branches just a little to more closely match the tree on the left. It’s funny because I brought this into light room to crop off the top of the image…why?..because I thought that curving branch in the upper left corner might be better off on the cutting floor. After I cropped it, I noticed that the curving branch on the upper right of the image no longer had a balancing partner and so I think the composition is better as is. Well done.
Hi Don, A fine companion piece to your previous trees. These are wonderful examples on how to celebrate the subtle luminosity of woodland. I really love the blend of orange leaves and the light blue/teal tones of the branches. So well seen and processed.
I really like the strong dark lines of the tree limbs in this photo. They’re graphic nature goes so well against that background pattern of those soft warm colours.