Forsythia & recrop

Different crop as suggested by @Jim_Zablotny

I was having a hard time figuring out how to photograph forsythia as it’s kind of a messy looking bush with not a lot of form, but as I looked closer I thought it would be more aesthetic to focus on the flowers at the end of this curving branch with out of focus flowers and another curving branch in the background…

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

ISO 200, 300mm (450mm equivalent) , f6.3, 1/500.

It is an interesting take on this forsythia. You may want to go with a tighter crop from the right, but I really like those background elements on the right. Overall, the yellows look good and the flowers at the end of the branch are nice and sharp. Now if you crop off the right just past the first buds to the right of the infocus flower so that you have a vertical comp, I think that would work nicely for you. Keep the original and try different crops to see how you like them. Well done…Jim

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Thanks @Jim_Zablotny for your feedback! I tried the vertical crop and interested on what you think? I kind of miss the swooping branch with the one in the bg mimicking it…but that might be what I see and it’s more of a distraction to the main flowers. Thanks so much for looking!

I think both crops present very different images. Both very good too. I feel the larger comp presents a graceful, natural feeling. The closer crop presents a more majestic feeling. The colors are fantastic in both, Vanessa.

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Hi Vanessa! I agree that forsythia is very difficult to photograph, but you did a good job with your original post. The lighting, color and comp are all good. I do think the cropped version presents a stronger image focusing on the primary bloom with very nice OOF blooms in the background. Well done!

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Thanks so much @David_Bostock and @Steve_Kennedy for taking a look and the time to comment! I’ve been hesitant to post it because I wasn’t sure about it, but glad you think the composition works! I agree that the closer crop does improve the look of the main flowers. Thanks!

Hey Vanessa - super job getting this. I don’t think I’ve ever even tried forsythia because the chaos was so overwhelming. So…I pulled this into Photoshop and played with it. I know you don’t use that, so I won’t go into detail unless you want me to, but here is another version -

I like the swoopy branch so I left it, but obviously eliminated the blossom on the other end and did a few more things. So springy. I love the burst of color these guys give us when we need it most.

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Hi @Kris_Smith ! Thanks for your feedback, I really like what you did with taking the flower off of the branch, it makes it look so different! Appreciate your taking the time to look and work on that!

You’re welcome! A richly inviting shot.

Lovely catch Vanessa! I played with your cropped version before seeing @Vanessa_Hill 's; looks like we took the image in similar directions! (I like the dominant flowers popping out of the background a bit.) Here’s what I came up with; it’s not a huge difference but hopefully let’s those foreground flowers shine a bit more: