Free or low cost photo organizer & editor for student

All: My adventure with being a mentor for an elementary school student has gone well. She is 10 years old , delightful and is out shooting with her Nikon 3500 all the time. I am looking for a low cost or free photo organizer and editor for her, preferably for a PC. I don’t want a complicated one as then she will be spending too much time with it and not with her camera. Can any of you be of help?? I just have no experience with this type of thing.
We are working on continuous focus and shooting in continuous mode now as her preferred subject is birds.
Thanks in advance.

Kathy, I’ve used the MS Excel program for close to 30 years now. I use it for tracking images created with film products. I’m sure others from the digital world will have more up to date ideas… :sunglasses:

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