Fresh Fish

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Along Black Point Wildlife Drive at Merritt Island NWR, FL, we saw an anhinga maneuring a big fish out of the water. I got out of our car and went closer but the bird dropped the fish. I got back in, we went a little further and out of the water comes the anhinga’s snaky neck again with a new fish. This time I got some nice shots.

Specific Feedback

How can I improve this? Is the water too dark - do I need a vignette here? Any suggestions…

Technical Details

Fuji X-H2S, 1/3200s, f/11, ISO 5000, 811mm, 1.4 TC

Not much processing really. Basic Lightroom work.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I’m not sure I’d do anything! It’s a striking image. I don’t think a vignette would improve this. I love the texture, pattern and luminosity of the water. Really nice!

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Oh, WOW!! Exceptional capture and processed perfectly, imo.
Tack-sharp, both eyes visible, nice crop and excellent BG!
Isn’t Merritt Island wonderful? One of my very favorite places.

Very fine work here!

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@SandyR-B @Paul_Holdorf Thank you - I love this shot too. Merritt Island was amazing, I’d never been there before.

I don’t think I’d do anything to this one, Debbie. Certainly not a vignette. The water would look really weird with one, I think. A very nice image with good composition and excellent detail.

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Holy cow!! Amazing catch for both of you!! I don’t think the water is too dark – it sets off the action so well! I’m in agreement that nothing needs to be done here! Wonderful composition, crop (if any), detail, color and tonalities.

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Spear fishing at its finest. It is a great capture Debbie. The color contrasts are wonderful and the tack sharp. I am not a wildlife photographer but I can’t think of anything to make this better.

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@Dennis_Plank, @Diane_Miller, @Youssef_Ismail - thank you so much! I did very little processing, I was afraid to mess it up. I appreciate the comments!

Hi Debbie, really nice catch - great to see the eyes of both the bird and fish. Exposure looks good to me. I like this composition but could see an alternative with just a tad more room on the right as the action is headed that direction. Nice frame!

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@Allen_Sparks Thank you so much!

Coincidentally, I was recently doing some photo club judging and a very similar image to this one was presented. I gave it a top score and see no reason not to do the same here. Excellent capture; good detail and getting both eyes (and in focus) elevates the image.

Woo hoo! Nailed it woman! The bird did, too. Poor fishy. Great job with capture and I like the edit, too.

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Thank you @Kris_Smith!

Beaut image. Fish, bird and background look great. The bird is really concentrating on that fish. He’s not letting a second one go.

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@glennie Thank you!

You captured the moment very well, Debbie. Techs look great. One suggestion is to add a little more room in the bottom and place the anhinga head a little higher in the frame. Otherwise, looks great.

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@S_Govindarajan Thank you!

Congrats on the EP – very well deserved!! I was rooting for this one!