From a Distance

![From a Distance]


I’ve been to this location probably 5 times since first picked up my camera. It is such a unique waterfall that I just keep trying to make something that really works. The area around the waterfall isn’t all that inspiring and I’m trying to avoid the standard head on shot. I decided to get a bit further away this time and try to use some different elements to minimize what I don’t love about the location but still feature the waterfall.

Specific Feedback Requested

Anything and everything! I’m always looking for ways to improve an image. This one has a slightly longer shutter speed than I would normally go with, but it was super early in the morning, just after sunrise and there wasn’t a ton of light. I don’t hate the long exposure in this one I think because it isn’t so in your face in terms of the size of the waterfall.

Technical Details

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I definitely don’t mind the longer shutter speed here, and I especially enjoy the warm light on the waterfall itself.

My only critique is the bit of bright water on the left side. Given it is the brightest part on the left frame, it has a tendency to draw my eye pretty strongly. I would suggest toning it down but not necessarily removing it?

What a great location. I wonder if you have any shots from a position more to the right. That way you could follow the sweep of the rock and the water right to the falls. For me the image needed a little balance by losing the left side, but I wish for more space on the right, but as it is here’s my stab at it -

And the layer stack -

I used the TK8 panel to create the luminosity and color masks to direct each adjustment layer. Hope you don’t mind and it gives you some ideas for your own tweaking. Super location.

I like this image very much. The light and mood work very well. The light on the back fall is really great and creates a nice contrast with the shadows. The little whitewater in the lower left really connects the image and the intended visual flow for me, so I would not remove it. I would work a few of the really dark shadows to see if there is a bit more in the RAW file.

Nicely done.

Hi David. I like the longer shutter speed. I also appreciate how you composed it with the foreground water leading into the falls itself.

David, this is an awesome shot. I like the longer view. I think you did a great job with the composition and it is indeed different from the head on shot. I personally like the white water in the lower left as a counterbalance to the fall. It really does pay to keep going back to a scene to work it until you land on what you like. In this case, a success.

I’m going to vote with Keith and David on this one. I think the water on the left in that darkness adds to the image and makes it a more interesting story rather than it being just about the falls. In fact, it really gives a different meaning to this image. It’s obviously been included on purpose and not an irritation that was overlooked.

I also want to add that this approach of discovering the lit waterfall out of the darkness is an interesting point of view and different from a more standard one. All that darkness around it makes it seem more special somehow.

First of all, thank you all for taking the time to comment!

@Cody_Schultz thank you for the kind words, I do think it could be toned down a touch, thank you for that suggestion.

@Kris_Smith Thank you for the time and effort working with this! I can see some of the adjustments being beneficial. I selected this specific spot so the waterfall would make its “landing” right between the two rocks. It took me a few adjustments to get it to this point, as you know, minor moments lead to significant changes.

@Keith_Bauer you are right…it’s pretty dark in the shadows. It’s funny how when you are processing sometimes you just get used to things and your eyes adjust. I need to bring some detail back there, but not too much. I think this image is worth the effort so I will go back to the raw files and make some tweaks to add to what I’ve already got. Thank you!

@Cameron_Wilcox thank you, there was a lot of intentionality with this one, not all images work that way for me but it seemed to require a lot of attention and minor adjustments.

@David_Bostock thank you so much! I think it was a success too. I sat on it for over a month and I’m happy I did. I think the time away led me to a really clear vision of what I wanted it to look like in the end.

@Igor_Doncov thank you! It most certainly was intentional to add the small “ripple” in the llc. I had a few different ideas but they all felt empty over there, this added something that seemed to still keep with the theme of the image. It is the most unique image I’ve made there by a long shot and I think I will keep playing with the theme of getting further away from it to see how I can frame it within the setting when I inevitably go back.

When I have a “final” version with some lifted shadows I’ll add it here.

Here is an updated version where I’ve attempted to lighten the darker regions. I’m thinking the left hand side needs a bit of darkening to keep the eye from exploring the clutter beyond the two trees at the edge of the frame. Not a lot, but something to just darken it a bit. There are also a few missing pixels that will need attention on the left due to the focus stack.

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Beautiful image, very well seen and composed. At first, I was thinking there was too much in between the back falls and the little cascade on the left. But then decided to concur with the other comments and the importances of the left being connected back to the main elements. this certainly is a different approach and you’ve succeeded nicely in avoiding the “standard” approach.

You repost works beautifully.

FYI, you can edit your original post and include the reworked image. That way folks can toggle between versions rather than scrolling. No biggie and certainly you don’t have to repost that way.


Thank you @Lon_Overacker I’m not sure what happened with the second post. The “text” for the other file appears to be there but the image isn’t showing up. I posted the update right after the crash so I’m not sure if that may have something to do with it.