
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


We had a fairly good crop of birdhouse gourds this autumn and it takes many months to dry them completely. A variety of molds create interesting patterns and textures.

Technical Details

25 image stack Z9 105mm f2.8 Micro (f8, 1/200 seconds, ISO 64, 3 flashes in studio) Levels, Topaz DeNoise, slight crop for comp, Microcontrast enhanced…Jim

That is one good collection of molds, Jim. I love the palette and, as usual, your stack is perfect.


Very cool and agree with Dennis - great job on the stack.

I like the “globe”, almost 3-D effect as clearly this comes across as a rounded surface, which is pretty cool for a 2-dimensional space.

The only feedback I have is somehow mitigating the flash. Unfortunately even with all your work with the stacking, the highlights in the center are obvious like a flash… I’m not sure you intented that, but I think it detracts a bit. Just my .02.

Fascinating gourd for sure!

It takes skill to translate a 3D object onto a 2D medium like a photo and have it appear 3D. Nicely done Jim! Quite the mold patterns going on. The earthy colors fit nicely with the subject.