Agapanthus Anticipation
Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 250, 1/800 @ f8
Most of our agapanthus are the blue variety but we do have a few white ones showing up. I liked this emerging bud pod with some of our pentas as a BG. All comments welcome. >=))>
Just lovely image which showcases the graceful lines of the outer sheath and the unopened flower buds emerging. The background also adds interest with its bright red color.
Bill, This shot is beautiful and the anticipation of more bloom from the pod keeps my interest. Background contrast is great.
What is not to love in this image. Great shot, Bill. I always enjoy a bud, and this one is no exception. The graceful curves and shapes, and having the colorful oof background just makes it pop.
Really enjoying this view Bill, nice angle on the plant with its beautiful flowing lines. I see a lot of pent up energy ready to burst out any day. Appears the little buds are waiting for their cue just offstage. Thanks for sharing!
Love the colour combinations here, Bill - that red and green bg really sets off the bud superbly. Would never have known this was an agapanthus - look forward to seeing the flower ( though I must admit to a strong preference for the blue variety !! )