GBH in flight

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

Iso-500, 500 mm 5.6 PF at 500 mm, F7 .1, 4000th, full frame with no added canvas, handheld, D 500, Adobe camera raw 11.2, Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 5%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Hi David! Your image caught my eye immediately, that is to say that I really like it! The crop works for me, detail is superb and the blurred bgnd makes the bird pop.

Sure, it’d be nice to have the entire bird in the frame, but things don’t always work out that way. I’ve been known to post images that are of the upper body only. I figure it’s like with images of people, a good portrait doesn’t require the whole body to be in the scene.

Again, I like this alot. No nits to pick.

Louisville, KY

Great portrait of a heron in flight. Superb detail.

Excellent, David. It’s rare to be this close for a flight shot and rarer yet to be quick enough to get the shot. The wing position works well for this portrait. Looks like that same rather scruffy bird from Nisqually.

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This is razor sharp. IQ is fantastic. I have tried shots like this several times but never came away with anything I liked much. But I like this quite a bit. The brown BG is beautiful. I am undecided on the wing as a background. I both like it and wish it was a touch less in-focus. Really interesting photo. You’ve inspired me to keep trying shots like this.

Nice workout for the new lens…
You lose a tad DOF in the neck but for such a close shot, pretty amazing.

Hi David,
Really nice in flight catch here. Great to be able to lock on to the head so close. Great details and exposure. I like the dirty beak. No nits from me.