Geometric close-up designs in the coutryside

The previous image

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


In my last photo posted with approximatly the same name I received a good suggestion from @Youssef Ismail about the disturbing forground which was better removed. I’ve thought about this and revised the composition of the landscape leaving only the essential to increase impact of the geometric designs. Now it is a different image hoping you prefer it.
In landscape photo I often do this mistake trying to put in one little rectangle all the things I liked. I know that it is wrong but I find it difficult to get rid of this error.

Specific Feedback

Do you prefer the new image?

Technical Details

D850, Nikkor 70-200mm at 105mm - f/11, ISO 64, 1/200 sec

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Gigi: Spectacular use of lines and forms IMO. The play of light in this tighter view plays a more prominent role and is even better than the original. Top notch image. >=))>

Giuseppe, I agree that the FG grass in the first was/is a bit distracting but my preference is still the original image. I think the wider shot and the house on the LHS add more interest. That said, there’s more detail in the edited version. Both are excellent images IMHO.

Hi Giuseppe,
Both images have wonderful light and designs in the landscape. I like the closer crop a little more as I think it places more of an emphasis on those beautiful elements. My only suggestion would be to remove the branches sticking up along the bottom edge towards the LRC. I am very much enjoying the peaceful vibe of this image.

The original uncropped image had a stronger composition in my opinion.

I really love these images, Giuseppe. I remember a few posted a while back.

To me, the first picture has better light, and the tighter crop simplifies the composition. Considering the amount of detail, simplification is beneficial.

You might even play with a slightly tighter crop. The top right draws my eye of the frame, and the left feels like some good empty space but perhaps too much of it.

Maybe something like this quick screenshot?

Lovely scene regardless!

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