Glaucous Gull

Every year we have a few Glaucous Gulls (usually first winter birds) along our shoreline - they breed in the arctic regions. While I was out birding yesterday with a friend, suddenly one landed close by on the water. Although not the largest gulls on earth, they are still pretty huge and impressive when up-close. In this shot the bird’s just taking off …

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Is this a composite: No
Nikon Z 9 with 500mm f4 | 1/2500s | f4 | ISO560 | handheld


What a fun picture, Hans. Nicely seen and captured.

Very nice, Hans, lots of energy and emotion in this capture.

The leg and wing positions, the slight head turn, and water splash works for me. Nice capture.

Outstanding look at the gull. The pose,wing spread, and eye contact along with the splash behind the bird make this image work very well. I like your choice of crop.